Protecting Your Online Reputation: The First Steps to Online Success!

Everyone can be connected by the Internet these days. I can text someone in Europe as easily as I can talk to the person sitting next to me. However, just as easily as that, your future can be ruined. Pretty hefty stuff, so you better pay attention to how this all works.

The first thing you'd want to go through are the DOs and DON'Ts of the online world.

  • DO always double check you know everyone on your friends list
  • DO always make a complicated passwords you can remember.
  • DO always check that your friends you are talking to online are your actual friends.
  • DON'T add random strangers to your friends list.
  • DON'T share your passwords with anyone.
  • DON'T post inapropiate pictures or words online.

Easy enough, isn't it? Just don't reveal too much about your IRL life while you are online. Seems pretty simple. Now, you can so some exploring for your own sake of other ways you can protecting yourself online.