Computer reasearch

Computer research project

My dad needs a computer that can run four virtal machines. This will require a lot of ram and a fast CPU. It will also require an ethernet port, and a monitor is necessary. If it is portable, my dad can easily bring it on business trips.

Computer Type Portable Deafault RAM size CPU Ethernet port Monitor required Operating System Average Price
HP Compaq Elite 8300 No 4GB (More RAM can be bought seperately) 3.1GHz Yes (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet) Yes Genuine Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) $798.99
Dell Precision T7600 No 128GB 2.60GHz Yes (Ethernet) Yes Windows 10 (64-bit) $1,100.00

Both computers have their simularities and differences, as well as advantages and disadvantages. Both computes aren't exactly portable, and both need a sperate monitor, as well as a seperate mouse and a sperate keyboard. If I were to have chosen a laptop, it wouldn't have been able to support the virtual machines. They both havethe ethernet ports, however the HP computer also has fast ethernet and gigbit ethernet, which could help the virtual machines run faster. The Dell computer, though more expensive, has way more default ram than the HP, however you can buy additional ram for the HP, which would bring the price up. The operating systems do not make a large difference in this case because of its use, since the Virtual Machines each run on a different operating system.
