Andrea's Black Widow Project

For bonus marks, I was assigned to make two webpages. In short, I needed to make a good webpage and a bad one. More details of the project can be found here. Below, there is a table comparing my good webpage and my bad webpage.

Criteria Bad Webpage Good Webpage
Link Bad Website Good Website
Colour Scheme I picked this colour scheme to clash. The cyan text against the bright green background makes the words impossible to read. Additionally. the colours are bright and can hurt the viewer's eyes. I picked this colour scheme to give off a professional mood. I stayed particularly with a darker plaet, using a marron background and black attributes to match. I also like how the white text stands out. Overall, it's a simple colour pallet which is soothing to look at.
Text Alignment and Size On this website, the text alignment is mixed up to the point where it's difficult to read the text. The paragraphs are either centred or aligned on the right making both difficult to understand. The sizing of the second paragraph is a lot larger, drawing attention away from the line in the middle. On this site, the titles are centered, and the paragraphs are aligned on the left. The biggest heading is up top, the smaller one is at the beginning of the page and the paragraphs are below the smallest heading aligned on the left.
Pictures The image on this webpage is too large and inapropiate for the site's intended use. Over all it makes the website a lot less appealing and professional. The picture is found on the About The Campagne page and is relevant to the subject.

There are many more differences between the webpages. Too many to fit in one table. So go look for some differences for yourself!
